2020-21 Fellows Projects
Starting our sixth cohort of Joe Thomasberger Fellows in the middle of a pandemic meant we needed to adjust the recipe for what the program looked like. While one individual project happened, instead of everyone organizing their own projects to bring people together at HUUB, there was a larger focus on supporting HUUB’s projects around civic engagement, like the Census, Voting, and our anti-displacement work through Planning to Stay.
Orange Mail-In Ballot Voter Information
The Fellows put together this PSA for the unprecedented pandemic precipitated push to use mail-in ballots for the 2020 General Election, something HUUB was working on increasing registration and awareness around by tabling and other information sharing.
Orange is the New Black Pop-Up Shop – November 13, 2020

Eirvkha Prophete was able to organize an in-person event in November 2020 – her Orange is the New Black pop-up shop provided a space for local entrepreneurs to showcase their wares for new customers as well as network among themselves to build stronger relationships in Orange’s thriving small business community.

Planning to Stay – 1-on-1 Organizing – Spring 2021

The Fellows also helped organize the Planning to Stay Summit in March 2021. In January & February 2021 they all participated in a 1-on-1 Relational Organizing Training and then reached out to people in their networks to talk about Planning to Stay, our effort to organize stakeholders in Orange. This work is demanding a seat at the development table to ensure the projects coming to the city have everyone’s best interest in mind and won’t displace people. The Fellows brought great perspective and younger voices to the conversation, which is vital to the future.