Reports to:       OYV Project Manager                Effective: 2/28/2022

Location:    Orange, NJ

Status:    Part-Time, temporary (starting immediately through June 2022)

Salary:    $15/hour, ~6 hours/week, through June 30th 2022 (not exceeding $2,000)

ORANGE YOU VACCINATED draws upon the Healthy Orange Coalition’s (HOC) cross-sector networks and grassroots connections to build a relevant and joyful campaign focused on cultivating conversations around the Covid-19 vaccine rooted in trusting relationships. The HUUB is hiring people for a part-time Street Team to support this campaign on the ground through June 2022. 

Essential Functions:

  • Participate as a member of the trilingual OYV street team
  • Participate in HOC meetings with regards to the OYV campaign
  • Attend street team training provided by University of Orange
  • Assist with production and dissemination of campaign media and communications
  • Participate in weekly meetings and vaccination events 
  • Participate in door-knocking campaign, taking important Covid-19 and vaccine public health information directly to residents in Orange.

Skills and Experience:

  • Effective team participation
  • Strong verbal and written communication 
  • Strong cultural competency working in diverse communities of color.
  • Preference for bilingual in Spanish or Haitian Kreyol but not necessary.

To apply, send a resume and cover letter explaining the importance of increasing vaccination rates in communities of color,

ORANGE YOU VACCINATED draws upon the Healthy Orange Coalition’s (HOC) cross-sector networks and grassroots connections to build a multivalent and joyful campaign focused on cultivating youth conversations around the Covid-19 vaccine rooted in trusting relationships. Key coalition members and partners including the HUUB, University of Orange, HANDS Inc, Community Improvement Association of the Oranges, Snap-ED and the Community Foodbank of New Jersey, RM Motivation, Lincoln Ave School PTA, NAACP of the Oranges and Maplewood, Orange Public Schools, and the Junior League of the Oranges and Short Hills.

With vaccination levels plateauing and the opportunity for young people to now receive vaccines, the HOC’s Campaign is thinking outside the box and outside the traditional vaccination sites. The crux of the vaccination effort is moving from managing the availability of vaccinations to reaching into the communities that have reservations, mistrust, and other barriers to access. We recognize the need to shift our approach away from a paradigm of general promotion and public service announcements to instead leverage trusting relationships, creative expression, and community connection as a way to address mistrust, misinformation, and fear.

The HOC is well positioned to function as a liaison between Orange’s health department, nonprofits and other civic organizations, and networks of local health professionals, restaurants, businesses, artists, recognized elders and other community leaders. Working between these entities, the Orange You Vaccinated campaign will organize an intergenerational group of vaccine ambassadors and coordinate with vaccination providers to attend public events and canvass in high trafficked areas around Orange and East Orange over the coming months to answer questions, concerns, and doubts people may have and to provide a vaccination on the spot.

The campaign strategies will include:

  • Trilingual Street team able to attend community gatherings, festivals, etc.
  • Tabling at public events and public spaces with trusted voices from the community
  • Provide training for a group of youth ambassadors to host conversations at community events relating to 1) medical information about the vaccines, 2) the importance of getting vaccinated to our collective health, and 3) holistic collective recovery from the traumas of the pandemic
  • Coordinate access to vaccines via local pharmacies and Essex County mobile vaccination unit
  • Partnering with local restaurants to offer on-site vaccinations and free meals as incentives
  • Community testimonial social media platform
  • Working hand-in-hand with Orange Pharmacy and Orange Department of Health to enable residents to choose the day and time that they get vaccinated.