- Bylaws as amended May 16, 2003
- Bylaws as amended May 21, 2006
- Bylaws revisions for consideration at Spring 2008 Congregational meeting
- Bylaws as amended December 7, 2008
- Proposal for Bylaws Amendments to Allow Notice of Meetings by Electronic Mail for consideration spring 2009
- Bylaws as amended June 2, 2009
- Proposed Bylaws Amendments regarding Quorums for consideration at Special Congregational Meeting March 28, 2010
- Bylaws as amended June 13, 2010
- Proposed Bylaws Revisions to Articles IV and VI (Dec. 2010)
- Bylaws as amended June 12, 2011
- Proposed Bylaws Revisions (2012)
- Bylaws as amended June 10, 2012
- Proposed Bylaws Revisions Concerning the Basis for Establishing a Quorum at Congregational Meetings (2013)
- Bylaws as amended March 10,2013, with resolutions adopted June 8, 2014
- Bylaws as amended June 5, 2016
- Proposed Bylaw Revisions for consideration at Spring 2017 Congregational Meeting) (Word document) (not adopted; see Resolution Suspending Term Limits)