We’ve launched our 2020 Annual Fund Campaign – Everybody Needs A HUUB!

You can contribute:
1. on our ioby campaign page,
2. or, if you prefer, by sending a check to:
47 Cleveland St
Orange, NJ,

Dearest Friends, Family, and Allies,

First and foremost, we want to share our hope that you and yours have fared as well as possible over this last year. From the virus itself to the distancing and isolation necessary to keep it at bay, it’s been a hard year full of unexpected and unforeseen pain and struggle. The HUUB team is sending you love and light in these difficult times.

This year more than ever we need your financial support.

The HUUB’s mission is to provide our buildings, campus, and programming as resources for people to create and strengthen relationships in the City of Orange. A year of social distancing and lock downs has made pursuing our mission difficult but not impossible. With the support of our board of trustees and a very capable staff we developed remote programming and interactive activities that helped us stay in touch with and continue to support members of our community. From the Turn on the Love Back to School Yard party, to the Thomas Edison Film Festival, to the Planning to Stay Summit and Cannabis Community Forum, we kept HUUB going and thriving. We have learned a lot during this pandemic, added some very valuable skills to our tool kit, and expanded our network of relationships even further. Now our community is longing for a place to get together in a safe environment once again. You can support HUUB’s role in meeting this need by donating here: https://ioby.org/project/everybody-needs-huub

Turn on the Love Back to School Yard Party, September 2020

Despite the difficulties of the last year, we’ve been busy with programming and have exciting plans to further improve our campus in the years ahead. We’re building the Ben Jones Community Gardens to provide fresh produce and educational programming for our neighbors. Our partnerships with the schools and other local allies continue to anchor the HUUB’s role as a valuable resource for the community. Our Planning to Stay project is bringing together local residents and businesses to advocate for more equitable development policies and plans that will strengthen the community and help people to stay. We’ll be welcoming our 6th cohort of Joe Thomasberger Community Fellows in September. The youth in this leadership program meet weekly to develop individual and collective projects to bring people together and build community. Support these exciting and important programs by donating here: https://ioby.org/project/everybody-needs-huub

Celebrating HUUB’s 5th Anniversary, November 2020

We celebrated our 5th year on November 14, 2020. We made pizza in the earth oven, ate cake and cupcakes with our friends, and sang Happy Birthday to the HUUB. It was a beautiful day and we realized how far we’ve come since 2015. The success of HUUB has been built on the relationships we’ve developed with people who share our values and vision for what healthy cities and communities should be. This has happened because of the generosity and support of our networks of friends, family, and allies. 

As we emerge from the pandemic and reconnect with each other in yet another new way, we sincerely thank you for your help along this journey. We hope you will continue to support the HUUB as we meet our challenges and celebrate our successes this year and in years to come. You can support our 2021 Annual Fund here: https://ioby.org/project/everybody-needs-huub .
Thank you again for your support and we hope to see you at the HUUB sometime soon!

Onwards together,

Charlie Wirene
Managing Director,
The HUUB, Inc.
(315) 525-2773

Frank Barszcz, MSW, LSW
President, The HUUB, Inc. Board of Trustees
(201) 303-1810